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Tips For Placing Buddha Statue


Within Buddhists circles, you’ll typically find various types of Buddha statues. Their homes and gardens have special sections where these statues reside and allow for some peaceful praying. But it doesn’t mean you have to be a Buddhist in order to enjoy these magnificent statues. If done correctly, you can bring them into your home and garden to create a very calming and relaxed atmosphere. And if you’re worried about the statues standing up against the elements, there are specific designs for outdoor use. You just have to look in the right places.

Tips For Placing Buddha Statue


What A Buddha Statue Represents


Once you start searching for that perfect Buddha statue, you’ll realize just how many types and variations there are. In fact, each one brings with it a different symbolic meaning and purpose. For example, individuals who are focused on feng shui practices will get a statue that assists with energy movement inside your home. Everything depends on what you need, and where you need it.


Appropriate And Inappropriate Places For The Statue


When buying a Buddha statue, it’s understood that you are buying it with respect towards the culture. Even if you don’t share their views or principles, it is ultimately a universal symbol of spiritualism and peace. And if you’re looking for this type of statue, it says a lot about the calm and peaceful person you aim to be.


Inappropriate Placements:


– Directly on the ground


A Buddha statue should never be placed directly on the ground, as this is considered disrespectful. Neither should it be placed in the bathroom.


– The Bedroom


It’s not appropriate to have the statue in your bedroom, unless it’s given a spot within a cabinet with the doors closed. The only time the doors should be open is when you meditate.


Appropriate Placements:


– Entrance of the home


When placed at the entrance of the home, it should be facing the entrance and towards incoming guests.


– Facing Your Room


When placed in another part of the house, make sure it’s facing your room.


– Facing Your Home


If placed outside in the garden, let the statue face in the direction of your home. It is believed to bring great abundance.



Buddha Statue Buying Options For Interior And Exterior Use


– Feng Shui Imports:


In terms of maintaining a healthy energy flow inside the home, you are at liberty to choose from a wide range. You’ll discover different styles and even sizes, providing you with endless options. In fact, you can add a Buddha fountain if you like as well.


– Buddha Grove:


These are statues that can be utilized inside the home or outside in the garden. They range from miniature sizes, which are perfect if you want to display them via a shelf or table, to bigger models with a little more substance so-to-speak. Some of the statues even have an artistic finish, increasing the odds of you finding that special Buddha Statue.


– Buddha Gallery:


At the Buddha Gallery you’ll be provided with an option of antiuque statues. And what makes it even more interesting is that they gallery features collections from around the world. If you have a preference as to the country you want your antique Buddha statue has to come from, this is the place to do it.


All The Types Of Buddha Statues


– Statue for Meditation


The meditation statue is the most common in homes and gardens, and it’s molded in a very distinct position most people will recognize. This Buddha statue will be in a sitting position, hands placed in the appropriate meditation technique known as cosmic mudra. In other words, the hands cross with the left above the right, allowing thumb tips to connect and ultimately form an oval. This symbolizes focusing the energy inward.


The placement for this statue should be due east, seeing as Buddha used the morning sun to find answers to his many questions. It’s also said that good fortune will find you when you rub the statue’s belly.


Buddha Laughing


The laughing Buddha should look very familiar to western culture, because it’s also one of the favorites in the United States. This particular statue has an enormous belly, indicating abundance. His smile is a sign of happiness and leading a happy life as he got older.


Buddha will either be sitting or standing, while holding what is referred to as a Ru-Yi pot above his head. Sometimes it’s imaginary, and sometimes it’s real. Either way, it also represents abundance, and overall good luck.


It’s no surprise why this statue is better known as Happy, and the consequences of rubbing its belly comes in the form of more good luck and abundance. It’s recommended to place laughing Buddha in a south-east section of your home, or wealth corner if you prefer.


The Different Variations


Laughing Buddha and children: This statue should be placed in the west section of your garden or home.


Traveling Buddha: The statue is a combination of the laughing Buddha, depicted as a monk with a sack slung over his shoulder. Alternatively, the sack is tied to a stick, while he holds a wealth ball in the opposite hand. Suitable for the north sector inside your office.


Sprititual Journey Buddha: An atlernative version to the Traveling Buddha. Distinct differences include the gourd that’s tied to the stick he’s holding, the prayer beads he’s wearing, and the fan in the opposite hand. When placed in the north-east sector it will promote education. In a south-west sector it will have a positive influence on love and relationships.  Check out these Buddhas from Outdoor Art Pros.


Blessing Buddha:


This statue takes on a “blessing pose”, with Buddha’s one hand raised and the other lowered. While in this position he’ll grant you fearlessness. It’s perfect for the office or den inside your home.


Teaching Buddha:


Also referred to as Dharma Chakra Buddha, you can find this Buddha sitting or standing. Although, the sitting position is the most popular, given Buddha’s preference to sit while teaching. It represents the most enlightentend time of his life, and when he was at the peak of sharing his experience and knowledge.


You’ll notice his hands in front of his chest, with the index fingers and thumbs connecting to make a circle. It’s because his teaching always came from the heart, and his teachings were directed at the Wheel of Dharma (union of wisdom and method). As for the remaining fingers, they are always extended.


Whether you’ll be using it inside the home, garden or office, the best place is a north-east sector.


If it happens that that the thumb connects with the ringfinger instead of the index fingers, the symbolism changes to increased fortune. For career focus, place the statue in a north sector, while south-east is perfect for wealth.


Long Life Buddha


You will either find this Buddha holding a bag near his side, or within his lap. Inside this bag is blessings, and when the bag is on his lap, he’ll be holding a Ru-Yi pot in one hand, and a wealth ball in the other. Regarding placement, east represents health, west is for children and descendants, while south-east represents wealth.


Happy Home Buddha


This is relationship statue, and can be used inside or outside within a sout-west area.


Earth Buddha


This statue sits on the ground and points to the earth via the extended fingers on the right hand. It represents his victory over temptation from the demon, Mara, and it will help for relationships when placed in a south-west area. For career difficulties and a lack of motivation, place it in the north section of your home or garden.


Reclining Buddha


The Reclining Buddha statue is perfect for any transition periods you are going through, because it represents Buddha’s journey between life and death. More specifically, it represents his transformation into another being.


The best place for this statue is the room that defines your transition so-to-speak. For instance, if you are going through a job transition, you want it in a north area inside your home or office. For those who just ended a relationship, the south-east area is best, while new home owners should use it in a west area.

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There is a trend, especially among western practitioners of Yoga to focus almost exclusively on its physical aspects, best represented by the various poses or asanas one adopts during a session, and leave its mental and spiritual facets behind. Some do this because they don’t wish to burden themselves with a new spiritual teaching, others do it to avoid possible conflicts between yogic teachings and their own religion.

While being able to perform many poses flawlessly certainly makes for a more physically healthier and attractive body, limiting yourself to this one aspect out of the wide range of experiences and benefits Yoga has to offer will cause you to miss out on some of its most potent healing capabilities.


If we dig a little deeper and examine the sutras or manual-like texts which deal with long-established yogic principles, a number of interesting observations come to mind. First, the focus is on Yoga’s holistic nature in dealing with human health. Compared to the various ways with which it seeks to treat a disbalance in one’s whole, there’s little in there that covers pure physical exercise. Second, Yoga takes into account the uniqueness of each individual. As our personalities have certain idiosyncrasies that make each of us what we are, so does our whole, and Yoga needs to adapt itself to each in order to be effective.

According to Yoga, the physical body is only the basest out of five dimensions, emotions being the highest. As you’ve probably caught on by now, all of these are intertwined and can’t be treated separately. This also means that we can positively affect one dimension and others will become healthier too. Concentrating on proper breathing can alleviate physical symptoms, and dealing with emotional problems gives the intellect renewed focus.



All of these dimensions are governed by our mind. Its state is a determining factor for the entire human system. If we take steps to change our mindset for the better, the rest of the system will improve too. Even if the physical body sustains a considerable injury, focusing on techniques that employ the other dimensions like breathing and visualization, healing and recovery can still take place. Sadly, some ailments can’t be cured by such practices, but Yoga can still have a healing effect on sufferers by maintaining their quality of life in other areas, thereby helping them maintain a positive attitude.

Naturally, one’s mind can’t be influenced dramatically overnight; embracing the entirety of a Yoga-conscious lifestyle doesn’t come easy, but the rewards we can reap from taking advantage of it are definitely worth the investment.

If you find yourself or someone dear to you immersing themselves in everything Yoga has to offer, why not encourage and cultivate this new interest with an appropriate Yoga gift idea? Nano Jewelry are an inspired jewelry brand that has just the right selection. They have put together a number of Yoga gifts and gifts for Yoga lovers that will attract onlookers and show off their wearer’s personality with immaculate imprints of pure gold. Visit them online and take in all they have to offer.

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