10 Reasons to buy Silent Yoga Headphones
“Time and silence are the most luxurious things today.”
Silence has a unique energy and it has the power to calm the mind and it is good for your brain. Practicing Yoga is one of the most popular ways to keep your mind, body and soul in balance.

Silent Yoga
With Silent Yoga Headphones, you get to work through your yoga routine without distraction. All you hear is the music and the voice of your instructor.
Here are 10 reasons why you might like to buy Silent Yoga Headphones.
1. It puts you in the zone. By eliminating any outside noise you can focus on yourself and your yoga routine. This alone is a magnificent way to relax into your positions and fully experience the benefits of yoga. It makes the experience special and very personal to you. By being present you get to be more efficient in doing the yoga poses and also enjoy it more.
2. It reduces distractions. For most people distraction is a way of living. I see people that can’t watch a movie without checking their phone notifications every 10 minutes. Playing video games, talking and eating at the same time is almost expected from you. These days doing one thing at the time has become a rare luxury. Using the Silent Yoga headphones you do only your Yoga and hear only your instructor. You can also control the volume.
3. It helps you hear the instructor clearly. A lot of yoga classes are happening inside noisy gyms where the TV screens are on and commercial music is played in the background as well. For most people that is the norm. We are so used to background noise and sometimes we don’t even realize it.
There are those who practice outside and there are plenty of noises there as well, including passing vehicles being the loudest. In fact, the Silent Yoga Headphones are particularly good as a connector between you and the instructor. Having the nice relaxing music in the background makes the whole experience even better.
4. It’s the latest trend in yoga and fitness training. New fitness gadgets are continuously coming out. Getting back to basics in a trendy way is the newest trend. With so much going on more and more people are paying money to go to a silent retreat and with Silent Yoga Headphones you get to enjoy a similar treat for a a much cheaper price. Not needing to look at your phone for a few hours, not driving or not working is a simple but very effective way to relax. Looking after yourself will never go out of trend. Using this new gadget is a fun way to practice yoga.
5. You can practice yoga even in the noisiest environment. The world seems so loud and fast. If you take some time and sit outside during the day and pay attention to the noises you will be surprised how noisy it is. In a way, our brains are used to it. Silent Yoga Headphones give your brain a chance to rest and you can enjoy your Yoga practice in the process. You can truly focus and be present, which is a simple and very effective way to clear your mind. This will bring more peace and tranquillity to your life in general.
6. There are 3 different channels to choose from. The original headphones come in a cool LED light. In addition to that there are 3 more colours. There are green, red and blue channels, that you or your instructor can choose from. When each channel is on the headphones light up in the chosen colour. This is simple way to add variety to your yoga practice and keep it interesting as well.
7. It creates a personal yoga experience. The only voice that you hear is the voice of your instructor. Most Yoga classes are attended by a good few people and at times you might lose the personal connection with your yoga teacher. With the headphones you will feel that it is only you and them practising the poses. It is a unique experience without the expense of a personal instructor.
8. It is accessible to everyone. No matter if you are beginner in yoga or an experienced Yogi or Yogini, the headphones have something to offer you.
Silent Yoga Headphones are available online. You can buy one headset from here and start to benefit from it as soon as you receive them. There are also packages available of 4, 8, 16 or 24 headphones. You will need to get a transmitter which you can order as well. The transmitter is custom designed and works in a 100 meter radius. If you have been teaching yoga you can introduce your students to this new and exciting way of yoga.
If you are based in Australia and have a business that is interested in team building activities, Silent Yoga might be the thing for you.
9. Silent Yoga Headphones are easy to store and use. They come with a rechargeable lithium battery. Once fully charged it will last up to 10 hours. They fold perfectly for easy storage and protection. Most yoga classes are happening in gyms, fitness clubs, leisure centres, local halls and the headphones are ideal for any of these places, as they tend to be noisy in general.
10. You will be part of the latest trend in yoga practise. There is an immense beauty in slowing down and listening. We are not built to live on our 5th gear every day. Your body is designed to move. Yoga has the power to help you balance your mind body and soul.

Silent Yoga Headphones
Silent Yoga Headphones will give you an unforgettable yoga session. It will help you tune into yourself by eliminating the outside noise.
The Silent Yoga Headphones are a business based in Australia but no matter where you are in the world you can be a part of this fitness and wellness trend.
Have you heard of silent yoga? Maybe your yoga instructor would like to use them in their classes? If you want to get involved visit the website here.
10 Reasons to buy Silent Yoga Headphones