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Meditation For Better Sleep

admin  —  December 12, 2017 — Leave a comment

Meditation For Better Sleep


One of the most accessible ways to come into the present moment, center yourself, and think about the bigger picture is through meditation. It can be quite challenging since it is hard to sit without fidgeting and focusing on doing literally nothing.

Meditation has some amazing effects even when practised for just a few minutes a day. The numerous health benefits of regular meditation include reducing your overall stress and lowering your heart rate. If you would like to explore meditation practice, you should consider the beginner-level meditations below.

Meditation For Better Sleep

It is important to find a comfortable, quiet place to settle down and sit still with your eyes closed. It can be either at home or at work. Then try experimenting with one or all of the five meditations below guaranteed to help you relax and sleep better.


  1. Counting


Start counting backwards from 100 and restart each time you lose track. You should not attach to forgetting your place; just start over and continue counting down. Don’t forget that there’s no right or wrong since it is all about meditation.


  1. Visualization


Concentrate on just one colour, place, face, etc. Let your mind clear and focus on just one image. A peaceful green field.  A partner’s face. A cookie. You get the drift. Take note of how this makes you feel.


  1. Mantra


Have a personal mantra like, “I am grateful for…” To paraphrase the Buddha: A word that brings peace is better than a thousand hollow words. Repeat your mantra silently and allow the mind to clear as you focus on just one phrase.


  1. Pranayama and Square Breathing


Practice pranayama or yoga breathing is also known as the “life force” everyone refers to a breath. Inhale then exhale using only the nostrils and cultivate your Ujjayi breath, which is a common Pranayama practice. Allow the air to drag over the back of the throat to create a low, ocean-like sound on your exhale and inhale. After getting warmed up, move on to square breathing: inhale for 4 counts, hold for 2 counts, and exhale for 4 counts. Repeat the cycle for 2 to 3 minutes.


  1. Alternate Nostril Breathing


Maintain your Ujjayi breath and then incorporate alternate nostril breathing into your Pranayama practice. Use your right finger to close your left nostril. Inhale for 4 counts using only the right nostril, hold for 2 counts while closing the right nostril using your thumb, and exhale for 4 counts through only the left nostril. Finally, repeat the cycle for 2 to 3 minutes.


It can be a great idea to incorporate several minutes of meditation to all your yoga classes. After the final exhale as others are gently blinking their eyes open and come back into the room, you should pause for a moment to notice their peaceful faces and smiles.


Meditation can really help with rest as can a new mattress, check out these mattress reviews to ensure you get the best possible sleep.






Healing Energy – Indian Flute Meditation Music


Healing Energy – Indian Flute Meditation Music

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Reasons To Incorporate Yoga Into Your Everyday Life

The ancient practice of yoga has become a common part of daily life from East to the West. People from all civilizations have adapted to yoga and those who know it’s true benefits have made it a part of their daily lives. Here are the reasons you should incorporate yoga in your everyday life to live it fully and beautifully.

Improves Cognitive Processing and Helps Fight Anxiety and Depression

According to a study published by Boston University Health Center in 2010, yoga is superior to other forms of exercises because it not only improves cognitive thinking but also helps fight anxiety and depression. Doing yoga only three times a week can help remove toxic cells from brain and improve positivity towards life. Ohio State University also published a study which reveals that long-term yoga can help combat stress in daily life.

Helps Manage Rheumatoid Arthritis

The European Against Rheumatism published a study in 2011 which reveals yoga practitioners can better manage rheumatoid arthritis and statistically help reduce the disease condition by improving physical joint movements.

Helps Reduce Back Pain

Yoga was basically started as an exercise to fight back pain. The modern lifestyle also ties a person with desktop devices like computer and laptop, reducing physical movements and increasing back pain in even young children. Just five to ten minutes of yoga in morning can help reduce back pain and improve your physical stability. When you practice your yoga make sure to use a good yoga mat that does not slip especially when you are performing complex balancing poses.

Other Medical Benefits

It lowers blood pressure by a combined effect of reduced stress and improved blood circulation throughout the body. It helps relieve physical pain by improving bone and joint flexibility. Above all, it improves overall strength. Post workout pain is not a thing related to yoga.

Connects With Your Inner-Self

Meditation is a part of yoga. One of the amazing benefits of yoga is to connect you with your inner-self. The results can be seen in the form of boosted self-confidence and positive attitude towards life. It makes you more productive at the workplace and improves creativity to help you find new ways to make the most out of life.

Improves Breathing

According to modern science, you can fight more than 90% of diseases just with the help of proper breathing. Yoga improves oxygen intake and boosts the effect of proper breathing, making you healthier from inside and outside.

As a collective effect of all these benefits, yoga detoxifies your body, improves skin glow and helps you lose weight as well.


Reasons To Incorporate Yoga Into Your Everyday Life

How To Use Meditation To Better Manage Addiction And Speed Along Recovery


A return to alternative medicine is becoming more commonplace today. A great majority of these alternatives come to the Western cultures from the East. Addiction is a disease and is treatable using techniques designed by Western medicine as well as a number of holistic practices and spirituality found in the Eastern philosophies.


Anyone who is struggling with addiction and battling the cravings that come along with it can consider using some of the Eastern methods of treating this disease. Meditation has been used for thousands of years and is well proven to help reduce levels of stress.  Many who practice meditation find that they become more aware of their body and mind and how those can connect in a useful way to help prevent relapses.

 How To Use Meditation To Better Manage Addiction And Speed Along Recovery

What Are The Benefits Of Meditation?


According to, meditation is a tool that can be used to help addicts overcome their cravings. The practice of meditation has been done for thousands of years and even modern medicine has begun to recognize its usefulness and validity because of modern research done on the topic. Those in the East who practiced meditation did so in the beginning as a spiritual and mystical pursuit. In the West, in modern times, the average person practices meditation to help them quiet their mind and to reduce stress.


When someone meditates they will bring their attention to the present moment. This is commonly done by paying attention to your breathing or by focusing on an image. During most of your waking hours you likely have some thoughts running through your mind almost constantly but during meditation, those thoughts slow down and as you practice more you will be able to achieve a quiet mind and you will be able to fully relax.


How Does Meditation Benefit A Recovering Addict?


The typical addict is trying to avoid their feelings while the practitioner of meditation is able to accept their feelings and during meditation remove themselves from those feelings. As such, they are able to relax, reach a state of calmness, and achieve a feeling of well-being. The more a person practices, the more they begin to notice that the process of meditation affects their life even beyond the time spent meditating.


What Are The Physical Benefits?


According to a Palm Beach detox center some of the newest medical research done on meditation has demonstrated that it can help in managing and reducing many of today’s chronic illnesses. Some of these diseases it has shown to be an effective treatment for include asthma, high blood pressure, mental and emotional stress reduction, insomnia, heart disease, and even some types of pain. Along with being an effective part of treating and managing the above illnesses, it has also been shown to be highly effective in increasing the practitioners overall sense of well-being.


When someone encounters tough situations they can learn to have a better response to those situations through the process of meditation. When an addict experiences intense cravings they can learn to stop and take a moment to meditate to help relieve those cravings. Through the process of meditation, the practitioner will learn to have a greater sense of self.


The self-awareness and mindfulness that comes through this process is part of how meditation helps an addict heal. Once you become more aware of your body and mind and what they are trying to tell you, you can be more in control so when the cravings come you have an alternative to falling back on old behavior. Very often this self-awareness will lead you to discovering the triggers that lead to these cravings. An example of this might be stress at work or at home with your spouse or something else.


Stress is among the biggest triggers for an addict that relapses. Discovering the tools available with meditation can help most anyone who puts some effort into learning how to manage that stress better. Meditation not only helps reduce stress but it also reduces and often eliminates negative emotions and significantly improves positive feelings.


Anyone that wants the benefits of meditation can begin to do so relatively easy and often without any equipment or special instructions. That said, many do benefit from working with someone who has substantial experience with meditation. This practice can be done by sitting in a comfortable chair that is located in a quiet area of your home or office and then simply focus your mind on your breathing.


It should be noted that meditation is not a cure for anything and that includes addiction. It is, however, a useful tool in managing stress and the triggers that cause cravings. Any addict knows that they need all the tools they can get in their recovery process. Cravings are often very intense and yet meditation is a powerful enough tool to help fight those intense cravings. Don’t think about it, just give it a try and see for yourself how much better you feel afterward.